gratefulness drives away bitterness...

10:52 PM 0 Comments

Ok, so Misty Edwards was singing the other day, and part of her beautiful song had the words, "gratefulness drives away bitterness."  This struck my soul.  I was just having one of those days where I felt unappreciated and kind of down.  I thought to myself, " bitterness is about to take root in my heart..."  I heard this line of the song, and light was shed on my dispair.  I started thinking of the things in my life that I am grateful for.  It drove away the bitterness that was tainting my thoughts.  I am so grateful for my loving Jesus. Dan. Shepard. Family. Friends. Health. Provision. Love. Freedom. Laughter. Food. Worship. Encouragement. Redemption. Fun. Hope.  And the list goes on.


9:53 PM 0 Comments

Ok, for all you Anthropologie fans.  They are having a great sale right now.... the new looks I am going to try for fall are... Shorts with tights and boots and slouchy ankle boots with EVERYTHING.  I know this is a very vain and not important post, but it is what is on my mind.  Maybe some more thoughtful things later.
Fall is my favorite season for fashion.  It is so much fun.  Too bad it is so short!

a new day, a new blog

8:59 PM 0 Comments

So, I don't believe I have posted anything on here since 2006.  Since times have changed dramatically, I thought I would revise the ole blog.  Fun times.  I will pick this up later.  Right now I have a baby to attend to.

1:01 PM 2 Comments

My salon has a web page now...go see it. :)

"like" and "really"

5:11 PM 1 Comments

I haven't written in quite some time, so an update on life and love and other mysteries(...ok, ill never say that again). Things are going great. It is so weird to realize that life is so different in different parts of not only the world, but the U.S. Like, people are so honest in the West/Midwest. Not that you always want as honest as you get, BUT it was really cool to be around people that are ok with who they are. Like, a lot of times here in the good ol' South people get on a kick of being like everyone else, and if they aren't then people arent ok with them. I think different is good. Honest is good. I really like different...I think that is why I like my friends...they are different and is so refreshing. I really like that. I really like Colorado and Kansas City. I like to say "like" and "really"... oh well.

praise Him o praise Him

4:54 PM 0 Comments

I have a huge praise!!! My dad had open heart surgery to have his aortic valve replaced with a mechanical one. He is now doing great. He is back to work and feels much better. God is so good.


3:24 PM 0 Comments

...ive come to the reality that the world is coming to an end. really though...there is craziness everywhere. i mean do you know what people do now. they do ANYTHING to escape feelings and reality. i mean i know that sometimes i just want to stop thinking about something, so i work out or go read or journal or pray or whatever. but now, its pills or alcohol or name something that is harmful to the body, soul and spirit, and its that. families arent families...they are strangers. friends arent really friends...they are other people being swept away in the what i call "escape mentality". what do we do about it...pray and fast... do what 1 Thess 4 says..."admonish the unruly" (admonish- gently correct). It seems like there isnt anything that is enough. I know that we cant save people, Jesus saves, but we are his instruments. I believe that there is about to be an outpouring of the Spirit of God and satan knows he is about to be losing, so he is destroying as much as possible.
on a separate note: I know that everyone eventually goes through things that they cant seem to understand, for me it is mental illness/demonic oppression. I cant seem to grasp it. i just trust God for my brother. i trust for his gets so difficult sometimes. i trust God for many things, and HE is so faithful...i have so many praises that HE has done in my life and in the lives of people around me, but sometimes it is just hard to swallow the things that seem left undone. God never forgets, and He never leaves us. I know that my brother will be healed soon...that is what I believe and stand firm in... it would be easier to give up and say my brother just needs his meds, but where is faith in that? Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. I dont see Ames being healed soon, but faith is the evidence that by the blood of Jesus Ames is healed.

