I am thankful for things I never liked.

5:05 PM 2 Comments

Some things I have always disliked, but have become thankful for:

I am thankful for my non ability to sing...because I appreciate those who can
I am thankful for my fair skin...because its different
I am thankful for Leeds, AL...because it has a Wal-Mart and Sonic
I am thankful for big thighs...because they run faster
I am thankful for freckles...because they are angel kisses(says Nana)
I am thankful for tomatoes...because they help prevent cancer and they are in salsa
I am thankful for strong willed people...because they are strong in what they believe
I am thankful for capri pants...because gauchos came from them
I am thankful for face wrinkles...because they are evidence of life lived
I am thankful for grey hair...because I make money off of it
I am thankful for text messaging...because it facilitates relationship
I am thankful for confrontation...because it helps you grow
I am thankful for traffic...because its unexpected time to pray and worship
I am thankful for being embarrassed...it keeps me humble
I am thankful for cats...no Im not.
I am thankful for school...because I met friends there
I am thankful for hard times...because then I am more thankful for good times.
I didnt think this would go on so long... :)

