Having a puppy...

4:58 PM 1 Comments

Ok... so there is an issue to address. I dont know why, but there is a contraverse that has never revealed itself to me in my life before now. The issue is a dog. Seems simple...a great dog to keep you company and protect your house when you are away or at home. A dog that would go on walks and play in the park. However, there is a lilttle problem, and let me just put it on your plate... Boy or Girl?? We dont really choose the sex of our human babies. How are you supposed to choose the sex of your dog? Dan wants a boy, and of course I want a girl.


12:27 PM 1 Comments

christmas is coming soon, my birthday is in 2 days, i was married one month ago, and life is a beautiful thing. i have a house with my wonderful husband. i have a great family and wonderful friends. my God is a great God. today i dont want to get caught up in myself and how i "feel", but i want to go back to truth. truth about life. truth about who i am, why i am here. today i want to show love...not be selfish...not be weird...but to just be, to humbly be.

