
4:01 PM 1 Comments

I know it is a little late for a "year in review" of 2005, but I have been thinking of last year a lot lately. The only thing that has kept me from going insane is God and the people God sent to bring peace to my life. In one year I started a business; led an overseas missions trip; had my gall bladder taken out; found and bought a house; and got engaged and married in 7 weeks. I know that God has taken care of me way beyond what I can even explain. He has made my yoke easy and my burden light. I mean, I had my moments where I didn't think that having faith was a possibility, but God prevailed through it all. He is so good to me. I know that it is always more difficult just before God expands your territory, because He has to stretch you and make sure that you can handle all He will give you. So, now I think God is giving me a little time to catch my breath and enjoy the little things (those things that make my eyes tear up to think about, you know those things that are so precious that if they were ever taken away it wouldnt takeasecond to cry). I thrive on change, but I am so content, and I am learning(always learning) to be content. Now that I have started to look at things differently, and I am realizing that seasons pass, and I may never be in that season again, I dont want to rush a thing. You can never get a moment back, so I want to absorb every one. I know that this may be an old thing to some people, but it has just now become real to me. We dont have forever here, so live, serve and love.

